Report one 1 hour prior to the start time of your reservation. Showing up late may reduce your session time. Park in the gravel lot to the left of the Clubhouse. NO parking is allowed in front or on the sides of the building.
Es, SB cI, iG vi, LG nh, ag iL, fu Pw, bv zi, zY cP, zp fR, PS Eq, Gv YQ, ws gv, ob dQ, SI KH, Wf iJ, Gx vC, NG jf, Bb MB, lj
Monmouth County Rifle & Pistol Club
Accidental Shooting Investigated at Fort Dix
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Autopuller Friendly Clubs
Agron Abdullahu, who once faced trial alongside the five men charged in May with plotting a paramilitary attack on Fort Dix, could get less than two years in prison at his sentencing next week. The Kosovo refugee was never accused of being a part of the others' alleged plan to kill U. Instead, he pleaded guilty last year to what his attorney called a "fairly technical" gun charge of supplying guns to illegal aliens.
Tuesday thru Sunday 9 to 5. Two dollars to use the range, two targets free, NO rapid fire. Fifties O. Large groups would not be a good idea.