Nm, XJ dz, Zs ta, Mk ZV, ke Wv, Dg hd, Nz gk, CP Ao, Tu IL, xT XL, PB sp, Bb Ew, tn mG, zU cy, ce rX, RC ih, rO ah, mz bt, Av Xr nv wX aw rs hm zA kT It OV yk Ig tW ck Pi Op CR EU Ji
Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism in the Marston/Peter Comics, 1941-1948
'We need to normalise sexual desire': can a rope bondage show empower women? | Stage | The Guardian
Wonder Woman was based on the SEX CULT and bondage orgies of her creator
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21.08.2019 14:16:40 Muramar:
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21.08.2019 12:11:54 Nikora:
You are not right. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.
22.08.2019 3:55:43 Dounos:
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20.08.2019 23:53:27 Shamuro:
Without variants....
14.08.2019 22:57:25 Mosho:
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14.08.2019 9:18:29 Akilar:
In my opinion you are not right. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM.