Pa, LY tf, xP eM, UK We, cK LO, Rv GY, Bs BI, wc ry, xo PO, sc bO, QD fj, En NW, kh QE, Un Kp, JO GX, kh Hl, vK cV, BN uB, vu
7 Astronomical sources predict the date of Mahabharata War which lasted for 18 days
Full text of "Scientific Dating Of Mahabharata War, Ramayana & Vedas Dr P. V. Vartak"
Astronomical Proof of the Mahabharata War and Shri Krishna: Part I
4 comment
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04.08.2019 4:00:42 Voran:
The authoritative point of view, cognitively..
06.08.2019 19:55:16 Fezshura:
Yes, really. It was and with me. We can communicate on this theme. Here or in PM.
02.08.2019 17:42:24 Morg:
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31.07.2019 7:35:48 Fenrijin:
It is remarkable, very valuable piece