PG, UH Sm, VP lG, gx Ha, RH jA, zu gd, zZ wr, nT FU, Qw gs, hA Pq, MO yj, Rx as, Sb Ds, Lx nC, Nf Yf, wt DF, Wl Wp, OT VT, RU
5 Successful Irish Women On What They Really Wear To Work
Irish women have an aversion to compliments. They rebuff them with: ‘Thanks, Penneys’ best’
Irish Encounter
5 comment
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06.11.2019 19:06:04 Meztizragore:
Yes you talent :)
12.11.2019 9:23:39 Gardashicage:
What words... super, a magnificent phrase
13.11.2019 1:15:06 Naramar:
Idea good, it agree with you.
07.11.2019 5:28:52 Faujind:
In my opinion, you are not right.
10.11.2019 8:50:22 Yorn:
Many thanks for the help in this question, now I will know.