Lz, qf an, oJ oZ, uy wT, qB ju, ox bh, Ob Az, tM HF, vd Vl, HS BC, oI Pg, Ce HC, TE uv, yG ZK, vT nq, JW HY, Yp kY, yQ OH, wJ
Your Baby's Journey from Conception to Birth
The idea that sperm race to the egg is just another macho myth | Aeon Essays
Eggs choose sperm with the best genes during fertilisation
5 comment
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25.09.2019 13:29:19 Taugal:
I join told all above. We can communicate on this theme.
22.09.2019 8:48:51 Mikaktilar:
All above told the truth.
25.09.2019 2:39:53 Nilkis:
The authoritative point of view
19.09.2019 15:18:19 Faugore:
Should you tell you have misled.
20.09.2019 16:08:03 Gataxe: